CAESAR'S PALACE - 2025-02-20

Conditional Pass

Facility Information

Site Address
1006 Notre Dame Street
Embrun, Ontario, K0A 1W0
Facility Type

Inspection Detail

Inspection Type

Inspection Results

Result Compliance
General housekeeping is satisfactory
  • Ensure every room in the premise is kept in a sanitary condition to prevent contamination of food
Not In Compliance
Mechanical dishwashers are constructed, designed and maintained to provide clean wash water at the proper temperature and a sanitizing rinse
  • Provide sanitizing rinse using a clean chlorine solution of not less than 100 parts per million
Not In Compliance
Handwashing stations are provided, adequately supplied and used only for the handwashing of employees
  • Ensure hand wash basin is only used for handwashing
  • Provide hot and cold running water for hand washing in food preparation area
  • Provide paper towels in a dispenser at hand washing station in food preparation area
Not In Compliance
Food protected from potential contamination and adulteration
  • Store raw foods separate and below cooked/ready-to-eat foods
Not In Compliance
Non-food contact surfaces, shelves, furniture, equipment and appliances maintained in sanitary condition
  • Ensure all surfaces are clean and maintained in good repair
Not In Compliance

Actions Taken

  • Unsatisfactory - Re-inspection required
  • Verbal Consultation
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