Introducing Solid Foods
Baby’s signs of readiness for solid foods
Your baby doesn’t need solid foods (also known as complementary foods) until about 6 months. At about 6 months you can start introducing solid foods, while continuing to breastfeed/chestfeed or give infant formula. Solid foods can be offered before, after or between milk feedings. Breastfed/chestfed or partially breastfed/chestfed babies should also continue to be given a daily vitamin D supplement of 400 IU.
Below are some signs that your baby is ready for solid food, which usually happen at around 6 months:
- Can hold their head up
- Can sit up and lean forward
- Can turn their head away when full
- Tries to pick up food and put it in their mouth
First foods
The first foods you offer your baby should be rich in iron, and offered a few times each day. These include:
- Beef, pork, lamb
- Chicken, turkey
- Fish
- Tofu
- Legumes (beans, peas, lentils)
- Eggs
- Iron-fortified infant cereal
Once you’ve introduced iron-rich foods and are offering them twice a day, you can begin to introduce other foods. These other foods don’t need to follow a specific order. Offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains (bread, pasta, rice) and protein foods (beans, chicken, cheese, chickpeas), based on Canada’s Food Guide.
Do not give your baby honey in any form (even if it’s pasteurized or cooked) before 1 year of age, because it can cause a serious illness called botulism.
Texture of food
Your baby can enjoy a variety of textures beginning right at 6 months. Let your baby guide you on what textures to offer. This includes:
- Lumpy
- Minced
- Pureed
- Mashed
- Shredded
- Ground
- Finger foods
New textures may cause your baby to gag. This is a normal response and is your baby’s way to prevent themselves from choking. However, some foods should be avoided because they are choking hazards, such as:
- Raw vegetables and hard fruits
- Small, smooth objects like peanuts and nuts, hard candy, cough drops, ice cubes, gum or marshmallows
- Dried fruit or seeds
- Grapes and hot dogs
- Fish with bones
- Popcorn
- Stringy foods like celery and pineapple
- Sticky foods from a spoon, such as peanut butter
Some of these can be safe with appropriate preparation such as by grating or cutting them. Always stay with your baby during mealtimes.
Food allergies
Food allergens are foods that sometimes cause allergies. You can introduce some common food allergens at around 6 months. Foods associated with most allergic reactions include:
- Milk
- Eggs
- Peanuts
- Tree nuts
- Mustard
- Sesame
- Soy
- Wheat
- Fish (choose ones that are low mercury)
- Seafood (shellfish/molluscs, crustaceans)
Introduce common allergen foods one at a time, to gauge reaction, without unnecessary delay between each new food (there’s no need to wait 2 days before you offer another new food). If there is no allergic reaction, keep feeding that food to your baby about 2-3 times a week to maintain tolerance.
Talk to your health care provider if your baby is at high risk of developing an allergy (has eczema or a pre-existing food allergy, or an immediate family member with eczema, food allergy, asthma or hay fever).
If your baby has an allergic reaction to a food, stop offering that food immediately and make an appointment with your baby’s health care provider. If your baby has difficulty breathing or has a severe reaction such as swelling of the tongue or throat, call 9-1-1.
You can introduce plain homogenized (3.25% M.F.) cow’s milk between 9 to 12 months if your baby is eating a variety of foods.
Tap water can be offered at around 6 months. There is no nutritional need for juice or other beverages.
Teach your baby how to drink from an open cup by offering water when your baby is eating or between feeds.
Helpful tips
As a parent/caregiver, you’re responsible for what, when and where food is offered. Respect your child’s appetite. Let them decide whether they want to eat and how much. Trust that your baby knows how much they need to eat and drink.
Depending on your child’s appetite, provide up to 3 meals and 1 or snacks per day. Children’s appetites vary from day to day and from meal to meal, and this is normal. Never pressure your baby to eat more or restrict the amount offered.
Bring your baby to the table to join in at family mealtimes. Avoid distractions like TV or toys when eating.
Infants are at increased risk for food poisoning because their immune system is still developing. Keep your food safe by properly cleaning, handling, cooking and storing foods to reduce the risk of bacteria growth and food poisoning.
Learn more
- Feeding your baby – A guide to help you introduce solid foods
- Food safety Information for children ages 5 and under
- Food allergy: Signs and symptoms
Programs and services
- Watch Me Grow Drop-in
- Healthy Babies, Healthy Children
- Feeding your baby workshops at EarlyON Child and Family Centres – check your local EarlyON centre calendar.
- Nutrition Services by Registered Dietitians
- Health811