Feeding Toddlers and Preschoolers
Children are born with the ability to know how much food they need for their own growth. As a parent/caregiver, it’s your role to decide which foods are offered, and when and where they are offered. Trust your child to decide what to eat from the foods you offer and how much.
Don’t pressure or reward your child to eat more, as this may lead your child to develop negative feelings about food and eating. It could also cause them to lose touch with their own hunger and fullness cues. Leave food in front of them for a reasonable time (about 20 to 30 minutes) and then remove it without comment.
Meal and snack routines
Ensure your child is hungry but not starving when arriving at the table. Offer 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day. Meals and snacks should be spaced out between 2.5 to 3 hours apart.
Foods and beverages to offer
Continue to offer iron-rich foods 2 or 3 times each day such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.), tofu, iron-fortified grains.
Offer a variety of foods from Canada’s Food Guide. You may need to cut, chop or grate some foods to make them safer for young children.
Children aged 12 months and up need 2 cups (500 mL) of milk each day if they’re no longer breastfeeding/chestfeeding. Offering beverages in an open cup helps with your child’s development and can prevent them from drinking too much milk and juice. Try offering an open cup at every meal or snack.
Children are at increased risk for food poisoning because their immune system is still developing. Keep your food safe by properly cleaning, handling, cooking and storing foods to reduce the risk of bacteria growth and food poisoning.
Enjoy family meals
Children who eat meals with their family on a regular basis are more likely to eat more vegetables and fruits and have better nutrient intakes.
Consider, but don’t cater to your child. New foods can be scary for young children. Serve new foods along with familiar foods. Children learn to like foods if they see their family eating and enjoying them.
Keep mealtimes enjoyable by having pleasant and positive conversations at the table, and putting away distractions such as toys, TV, tablets, phones or other electronics.
Nutri-eSTEP® is a questionnaire that asks 17 questions about a child’s typical food choices, eating behaviours, as well as physical activity and growth. You can complete it online to find out what is going well, and where improvements can be made, as well as credible articles and tools.
Learn more
Programs and services
- Watch Me Grow Drop-in
- Healthy Babies, Healthy Children
- Feeding your baby workshops at EarlyON Child and Family Centres – check your local EarlyON calendar.
- Nutrition Services by Registered Dietitians