Student Placement - Not remunerated
If you are interested in a student placement at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU), please send in your request by email to info@eohu.ca a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the anticipated start date.
Please note that a Student Placement Agreement is mandatory prior to proceeding.
Your request must include the following information:
- Student's name, phone number(s) and best time to be reached as well as email address(es)
- Discipline and clear objectives (which of our programs would help you reach your objectives?)
- College/University name, contact person(s) and phone number(s) as well as email address(es)
- Which office would you like to do the placement in? (Cornwall or Casselman)
- Start and end dates of placement; how many days per week = total hours
- Spoken & written language(s)
- Identify if there is a formal evaluation to be completed and how often
If the interview is successful, we will require a current Student Placement Agreement with your postsecondary institution as well as a letter confirming you are up to date with the following:
- Immunization records as per our internal policy (copy will be forwarded to you after the interview is held)
- Proof of current year influenza vaccination or consent to receive the seasonal influenza vaccine
- Proof of up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination as per the Ministry Guidelines
- Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check dated no more than 6 months from the request date
- Proof of completion of the following courses:
- Health & Safety course: http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/hs/elearn/worker/index.php
- WHMIS course: http://www.ccohs.ca/products/courses/whmis_workers/
- AODA Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act: http://www.aoda.ca/training-resource/
- Resume (Optional)
A signed copy of the declaration of understanding of insurance coverage for unpaid placements by the Ministry of Training Colleges Universities (MTCU) is required.
Please note that you will be required to sign a Statement Regarding Confidentiality form prior to the start of the placement.
We reserve the right to request proof of any of the above required information.
IMPORTANT: We will not be able to accommodate your request if you do not consent to the following conditions:
- Proof of current year influenza vaccination or consent to receive the seasonal influenza vaccine
- Proof of up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination as per the Ministry Guidelines