Important Change to the Annual Rabies Vaccination Clinic
Starting in 2019, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) will no longer be coordinating the annual rabies vaccine clinics with local veterinarians. We would like to extend our thanks to those who participated in these clinics over the years.
The EOHU is in the process of consulting with veterinarians about other options that will provide more flexibility for accessing low-cost rabies vaccines. The decision to end the EOHU’s coordination of annual rabies vaccine clinics was made for a number of reasons:
- We would like to make it easier and more convenient for clients to access low-cost rabies vaccines throughout the year, instead of at a single rabies vaccine clinic held on one date only.
- Over the last 10 years, there has been a steady decline in the numbers of participants at the annual clinic.
- More veterinarians are using a 3-year rabies vaccine, so fewer animals need to be vaccinated annually.
- The College of Veterinarians of Ontario has changed the requirements for veterinarians so that the involvement of public health is no longer required for low-cost rabies vaccine clinics.
It is expected that a new rabies vaccine program will be developed in the coming months, following consultations with local veterinarians. More information will be available once the new program is developed. In the meantime, clients who have pets that need the rabies vaccine are encouraged to contact their veterinarian.