Virtual Prenatal Classes
Due to COVID-19, in-person prenatal classes have been cancelled. We recognize the importance of this service for expectant parents in the EOHU region. We are offering a new virtual prenatal class series.
For each class, you are encouraged to click on the class page and review the information. If you have questions once you have completed all three virtual classes, you can contact the EOHU to speak with a public health nurse. The EOHU virtual prenatal class includes three classes:
Each class page includes the following:
Topics Covered
- These are the topics that will be reviewed in your reading material and discussed during the virtual session.
Resources to Review
- We’ve identified one or two resources to help you prepare for the virtual session with the public health nurse. We recommend that you go through the material provided before your virtual class. Feel free to write down any questions you may have so that you can ask them during the virtual meeting with the public health nurse.
NOTE: To access some of the prenatal class content from the A New Life platform, you will need to create an account using your postal code and a valid email address.
Follow these steps to create your account:
- Click to go to the A New Life – Online Prenatal Class website.
- Click on the ‘Register’ button at the bottom of the page.
- Enter your postal code, a valid email address and create a password. Remember your password. You will need it to login to your account.
- Answer a skill testing question.
- Login using your email and the password you created.
If you need help creating your account, call 613-933-1375 or 1-800-267-7120.
Things to Think About
- We’ve included a few questions to help guide your reading and attract your attention on key points. The questions are also meant to help you reflect on some of the key points of the theme.
Additional Resources
- Extra online resources to support you in your journey.
- Useful phone numbers.
Whether you're a first-time mother or not, you're encouraged to participate! For more information and to see if you are eligible, call 613-933-1375, ext. 1327 or 1-800-267-7120.