Special Events Information for Event Organizers
Under the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA), special event organizers, food vendors and personal service settings must notify the health unit of their plans to serve food to the public or to offer personal services. They must submit a completed notification form to the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) at least 30 days prior to the event. Only food vendors and personal service operators that have been approved by the EOHU can attend the event.
When food is offered to the public, it must be prepared safely and the requirements of the Ontario Food Premises Regulation must be met.
As of July 1, 2018, the Food Premises Regulation requires that all food premises have a trained food handler on site at all times.
When personal services are offered to the public, they must comply with the Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario regulation 136/18 Personal Service Settings.
For more information, please call the EOHU at 1-800-267-7120.
Special Event Organizer Responsibilities:
- Complete and submit the Special Events – Organizer’s Notification Form at least 30 days prior to your event. We cannot guarantee that notifications received less than 30 days before the event are processed. If you are unable to complete the form online, please email info@eohu.ca to receive it in an alternate format.
- Notify the EOHU if significant changes are made to the information on the original notification.
- Notify all food vendors and personal service operators that they must be approved by the EOHU in order to attend the event.
- Inform all food vendors and exhibitors that they are required to complete the EOHU Special Events – Temporary Food Vendor's Notification Form and to follow directives provided on the Special Events – Information for Temporary Food Vendors webpage.
- Inform all personal service operators that they are required to complete the EOHU Temporary Personal Service Setting Notification Form and to follow directives provided on the Special Events – Information for Temporary Personal Service Settings webpage.
- Coordinate alternative back-up plans in case of a power failure (e.g. provision of emergency generators, ice supply).
- Ensure the provision of an adequate supply of potable (safe for drinking) water for the event.
- Provide a sufficient number of toilets/portable toilets and handwashing facilities.
- Where portable sanitary fixtures (portable toilets and handwashing sinks) are provided, ensure they are maintained in a sanitary condition.
- Provide or arrange for the sanitary disposal of garbage and liquid waste.
- Note: Effective July 1, 2018, horses, cattle or sheep that are exhibited at the event must be vaccinated against rabies.
Tobacco, Vaping and Cannabis
It is prohibited to smoke or hold lighted tobacco/vaping products in any enclosed public space or enclosed workplace. It is also prohibited to smoke or hold lighted tobacco/vaping products in the following outdoor areas: school property, hospital property, within 20 metres of children’s playgrounds and play areas, within 20 metres of certain sporting areas, in all areas where food or drink is served or sold or offered for consumption in the area, or the area that is part of or operated in conjunction with an area where food or drink is served or sold or offered (e.g. a picnic table, chairs, a patio… in conjunction with the area).
Event organizers shall:
- Ensure “No Smoking/No Vaping” signs are posted at all entrances, exits, washrooms of enclosed public spaces or enclosed workplaces.
- Ensure that “No Smoking/No Vaping” signs are posted in all areas where food or drink is served or sold or offered for consumption in the area, or the area that is part of or operated in conjunction with an area where food or drink is served or sold or offered (e.g. a picnic table, chairs, a patio… in conjunction with the area).
- Ensure compliance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act by monitoring the areas where smoking or holding lighted tobacco/vaping products are prohibited.
"No Smoking/No Vaping" signs are available at the EOHU. Please click here to order signs.
For more information, please call the EOHU at 613-933-1375 or at 1-800-267-7120.