Public Health Notice: Outbreak of Hepatitis A infections linked to frozen mangoes
UPDATED on August 5, 2021
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has issued a Food Recall Warning for frozen mangoes sold in Ontario and other provinces due to possible Hepatitis A contamination. The recalled products should not be served or consumed. A Public Health Notice has been issued by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
The brands involved to date include Nature’s Touch, Compliments, Irresistibles, and President’s Choice frozen mangoes with certain best-before dates. The CFIA is continuing its food safety investigation, which may lead to the recall of other products. Updates and details on the recall can be found on the CFIA’s website.
Hepatitis A infections can occur among people of all ages; however, the severity of illness increases with age and certain medical conditions.
What should you do to protect your health?
- Vaccination can prevent the onset of symptoms if given within 14 days of exposure. If you believe you have consumed or been exposed to the recalled mango products in the last 14 days, call the Eastern Ontario Health Unit at 1-613-933-1375 or 1-800-267-7120 to arrange for Hepatitis A vaccination. For individuals previously immunized with two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine, no further immunization is needed.
- If you have recalled frozen mangoes in your home, do not eat them. If you are unsure whether a frozen mango product you have in your home is part of the food recall warning, secure the product in a plastic bag, throw it out and wash your hands with warm soapy water.
- Wash and sanitize any drawers or shelves in fridge and freezer areas where recalled products were stored.
- Wash your hands before and after preparing or eating food, and after using the washroom or changing diapers.
- If you order food and drinks containing frozen mangoes at a restaurant or food establishment, ask the staff whether the mangoes are part of the food recall warning. If they are, or if they don't know, don't eat or drink these food products.
- If you have been diagnosed with Hepatitis A, do not prepare or serve food and drinks to others.
- If you have been exposed to Hepatitis A, it is possible to spread the virus to other people before you experience any symptoms.
If you develop symptoms consistent with Hepatitis A, see your healthcare provider immediately and inform them of your exposure. Ensure the EOHU is notified.
Symptoms of Hepatitis A include fever, dark urine, loss of appetite, fatigue (tiredness), nausea and vomiting, stomach cramps or abdominal pain, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). Not everyone who is infected with Hepatitis A will have symptoms. Symptoms are more likely to occur in adults than in children, and typically appear 14 to 28 days after exposure, but may occur up to 50 days later.
More information on Hepatitis A can be found at Hepatitis A – Canada.ca.