Water Sampling Drop-Off Schedule During the Holidays
Due to the holidays, the EOHU will not accept drinking water sample bottles from Monday, December 23rd, 2019 to Friday, January 3rd, 2020, inclusively.
If you wish to have your water tested during this period, please bring it to the Public Health Ontario laboratory in Ottawa, located at:
2380 St. Laurent Boulevard
Ottawa, ON K1G 6C4
Deadlines to drop off a water sample bottle at the Public Health Ontario laboratory in Ottawa during the holidays:
Monday, December 23rd 2019 at 4:30 P.M.
(Private citizen drinking water samples will not be accepted from December 24th to the 26th 2019.)
Monday, December 30th 2019 at 4:30 P.M.
(Private citizen drinking water samples will not be accepted from December 31st 2019 to January 1st 2020.)
Please note: Samples must be tested within 48 hours of collection in order to ensure sample integrity.
Thank you for your understanding.