Medi Drop: The Best Way to Get Rid of Unwanted Medications
The Cornwall Community Police Service (CCPS) and the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) are reminding the public about the Medi Drop program. The program offers residents of Cornwall and the surrounding areas a safe and anonymous way to dispose of unused, unwanted or expired prescription or over-the-counter medications. Since the start of the program, over 2,819 pounds of medications have been collected. Residents can drop off their medications at one of three Medi Drop boxes located throughout the City of Cornwall.
The Medi Drop initiative was developed to help reduce the risks that can be created by keeping unwanted or unused medications at home. These risks include:
- Abuse of medications by kids or their friends to get high. A recent study found that psychoactive pharmaceuticals were the third most commonly used substance by Canadian students in grades 7 to 12, after alcohol and cannabis. In the same study, about 37% of students said it would be fairly easy to obtain prescription pain medications.
- Accidental poisonings of young children. The Public Health Agency of Canada estimates an average of three deaths and 900 hospitalizations each year in children 14 and under due to unintentional poisonings.
- Home break-ins by thieves looking to get their hands on prescription drugs.
The program also serves to remind the population that dropping off unwanted medications in the Medi Drop boxes or returning them to their local pharmacy are the best ways to get rid of them. Any other means they choose, such as flushing, pouring or throwing them in the trash, risks contaminating the water and harming wildlife, or inviting scavengers to find and illegally sell them.
“The Medi Drop boxes offer a secure, easy and environmentally-friendly way to get rid of unwanted medications,” states Chief Dan Parkinson, of the CCPS. Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health, agrees. “We’re very excited to be a part of this unique program to help protect our children and keep our residents safe.”
For details about what items can be deposited into the boxes, the drop box locations or other information about the Medi Drop program, please visit www.MediDrop.ca.
For more information, contact the Eastern Ontario Health Unit at 613-933-1375 or at 1 800 267-7120 or visit our website at www.eohu.ca.