Congratulations to the Winners of the EOHU’s Three Ways to Make Healthy Easy Contest!
Congratulations to Karen Flaro and France Belisle, winners of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit’s (EOHU) Three Ways to Make Healthy Easy and Trois façons de manger sainement simple contests.
Karen, from Williamstown, won the contest on the EOHU’s English Facebook page, while France, from Casselman, won the contest on the French Facebook page. Karen and France are two of the over 200 participants who entered the contest by liking the EOHU’s Three Ways to Make Healthy Easy and Trois façons de manger sainement simplevideos on Facebook.
The video is the first in the #EOHUEats series, which provides viewers with simple recipes and practical tips to make healthy eating easier. Keep an eye on the EOHU’s English and French Facebook pages (respectively www.facebook.com/EOHUhealth and www.facebook.com/BSEOsante) to check out all the videos in the series.
Karen and France each earned themselves a prize consisting of a $100 gift card from a grocery store of their choice.
The EOHU held the Three Ways to Make Healthy Easy and Trois façons de manger sainement simple contests during the month of March to celebrate Nutrition Month® and to encourage everyone to learn about simple changes they can make to eat better.
Pictured from left to right: Karen Flaro, Three Ways to Make Healthy Easy contest winner and Jessica Lefebvre, Public Health Dietitian at the EOHU.
Pictured from left to right: France Belisle, Trois façons de manger sainement simple contest winner and Isabelle Lalonde, Public Health Dietitian at the EOHU.