EOHU Congratulates The Nation Municipality for New Tobacco By-law
The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) congratulates The Nation municipality for passing a by-law that prohibits the use of tobacco industry products and other smoking or vaping products on municipal property.
The Nation’s new bylaw will ban the use of all tobacco industry products, including chew, shisha, electronic cigarettes and waterpipes, anywhere on municipal property, except in designated areas. Designated areas must not be within 20 metres of any municipal building entrance, exit or operable window. The bylaw will also ban using any kind of smoking or vaping product near municipal facility entrances, on walkways, trails and parks without structures or sporting fields. The bylaw will be enforced by The Nation’s municipal law enforcement officers as well as the EOHU’s tobacco enforcement officers.
The newly designated tobacco-free spaces will protect children, youth and adults from second-hand smoke and vapour. They will also ensure these environments are used for their intended purpose of promoting healthy recreational activities.
“I’m proud that council has passed a motion to reduce exposure to tobacco products in municipal settings,” says The Nation’s mayor, François St. Amour, adding that “it aligns with the municipality’s mission to foster healthy and active lifestyles amongst its residents.” The feeling is echoed by Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health at the EOHU, who says “with this bylaw, The Nation is indeed proving itself as a progressive leader in promoting the health and wellness of its residents.”
As new bylaws restrict smoking in more and more places, smokers may get the motivation to try quitting. The EOHU offers a number of free programs and services to help make quitting tobacco easier:
- Online videos: This series of 11 videos will take you from preparing to quit, through the first 10 days as a non-smoker.
- MyQuit.ca: A program that offers smokers who wish to quit or reduce their tobacco use a tailored approach based on their individual needs.
For more information about the EOHU’s tobacco cessation programs, visit the EOHU’s website at www.eohu.ca or call 613-933-1375 or 1 800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line.