Keeping Baby Safe 0 to 12 Months
Here are some helpful tips to keep your baby safe.
General Safety
- Never leave your baby unattended. As he becomes more mobile he will need constant supervision.
- Never leave your baby alone in the bathtub, even for a few seconds. Your baby can drown in less than 2.5 cm (1 inch) of water.
- Don’t leave your baby alone in a car, even for a moment.
- Keep your hand on your baby when changing his diaper so he won’t roll off the table.
- Wash your hands after changing your baby’s diaper and before feedings.
- Stop your baby from doing something you don’t want him to do by distracting him.
- Don’t ever shake your baby; it could cause blindness, brain damage, paralysis or even death.
- Support your baby’s head when playing. Don’t bounce your baby too hard or toss him in the air. Until the age of 2, your baby’s neck isn’t strong enough and brain damage could occur.
- Cover electrical outlets with plastic outlet covers.
- Put safety locks on cupboard doors.
- Never put ribbons, strings or necklaces around your baby’s neck to hold a pacifier. Your baby could suffocate.
- If your baby is alone in his crib, remove his bib because it could get tightened around his neck.
- Don’t use a pillow in the baby’s crib. Your baby could suffocate.
- Lay your baby to sleep on his back, to reduce the risk of SIDS.
- Check with your healthcare provider or pharmacist before giving any medications. Always read the label and double check the dose.
- Learn CPR; it could save your baby’s life.
Feedings and Mealtimes
- Never drink hot liquids when holding your baby.
- Use placemats instead of a tablecloth, so your baby doesn’t pull everything onto himself.
Toys and Other Items
- Choose toys and clothing without ribbons, buttons or ties.
- Keep small objects like coins, pins, buttons, jewellery and small toys off the floor and out of reach.
- Keep valuable and breakable objects out of baby’s reach.
- Keep cigarette butts out of baby’s reach. Four cigarette butts, if eaten, could kill a child.
- Discard broken toys and check for loose or missing parts.
- Wash your baby’s toys and utensils thoroughly with soap and water.
Baby Equipment
- Keep crib sides up and lower the mattress to the lowest level.
- Never use a baby walker. In Canada, it is illegal to buy, sell, give away or import baby walkers.
- Use safety gates that meet Canada’s safety standards.
- Be aware of the potential risks of buying or using second-hand items. Find out how you can protect yourself and your family at
- Make sure your baby equipment (stroller, crib, car seat, etc.) meets Consumer Product Safety Program requirements. For more information, call 1-866-662-0666.
Sun Safety
- If your baby is under one year of age, keep him out of direct sunlight to prevent skin damage and dehydration. Never let him play or sleep in the sun.
- Avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the rays are strongest. Stay in the shade as much as possible between these hours.
- Keep your baby in the shade under a tree, an umbrella or a canopy.
- Do not put sunscreen on a baby less than 6 months old.
- If you must be in the sun, have your baby wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, and cover his skin with lightweight clothing.

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