Baby’s Developing Communication Skills
When it comes to speech and language, the communication skills your child develops from infancy through early childhood will have a major impact on his experiences throughout life. And as a parent, there’s a great deal you can do to help support your child’s language development.
But how do you know if your child’s communication skills are developing on track?
The Let’s Talk! Tips for Building Your Child’s Speech and Language Skills video series demonstrates some of the communication milestones your child should be reaching from infancy through age 5. It also offers tips and strategies on how to help develop your child’s speech and language skills during this important period. The video series is available online at If you prefer to have a DVD copy of the videos, call 613-933-1375 or 1-800-267-7120.
By using the simple tips discussed in the video series, and by getting help for any communication problems early, you can help pave the way for your child’s future success.
Concerned about your child’s speech and language development?
If at any stage you have concerns about your child’s communication development, don’t hesitate to talk to your healthcare provider, or call the number above for information about the EOHU’s Words in Bloom speech and language development program.

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